CPU Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor
前端總線 533 MHz
主板芯片 Intel 945GSE + ICH7M (82801GBM)
圖像顯示 Integrated with Intel 945GSE
Dynamic Video Memory Technology(DVMT 3.0)
內存 On board DDRII module 1GB
NAND 閃存 Support Compact Flash card type II for ATA interface
On board SSD 1/2/4/8GBytes(Option)
SATA Two SATA ports with independent DMA operation supported
聲卡 Intel High Definition Audio Specification Rev.1.0 Compliant
Line-out / Mic-in / Lline-in support
網口 1* Intel 82574L or Realtek RLT8111C 10/100/1000 Mbps
IO 功能 5* RS232 or RS485(option) + 1 RS422/485 or RS232(option)
USB 4* USB 2.0(外置) & 3 USB 2.0(內置)
數字接口和看門狗 Hardware digital Input & Output, 8xDI / 8xDO
Hardware Watch Dog Timer, 0~255 sec programmable
擴展功能 1* Mini PCI socket for only PCI rev 2.2 interface
2* PCIe mini card support USB and PCIe interface
電源 On board DC +12V±5% convert to +3V/+5V for system
尺寸規格 145 x 102 mm (3.5 inch) (MB)
80H x 187W x 130D mm(Chassis)
工作溫度 0~50°C
運行濕度 5~95%, 非凝露
1. NAND flash memory. On board SSD 1/2/4/8GBytes.
2. PCIe mini card wireless LAN
3. 1* Intel 82574L Giga LAN
4. Audio Amplifier 6-W/CH Into an 8-Ω Load from a 12-V Supply